# Bots for news content Go back to [[Week 3 - Introduction]] --- Some time ago, the Washington Post tested processing of the online-received date using intelligent software of Heliograf company. The mediumreceivedan award for “Excellence in Use of Bots” for its work on the 2016 elec-tion coverage. The Press Association uses Radarfor similar tasks of dynamic creation of large amounts of content. ... However, bots could be usedmore broadly. One of the optionsis to integrate a chat bot in journalists’ materials as an alternative narrative, which extendsthe possibilities of a dialogue with readers [17]. 17. Veglis A.,Maniou Th.A. Embedding a chatbot in a news article: design and implementation// 23rd Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI ’19). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, 2019, P. 169–172. DOI:10.1145/3368640.3368664. --- A New Test of Artificial Intelligence - Should the Media Industry Be Afraid? Go back to the [[Readings list]] or the [[Master of Philosophy - Main Page]] Reference: Horska, K. (2020). A New Test of Artificial Intelligence: Should the Media Industry Be Afraid? Science and Education a New Dimension. Humanities and Social Sciences, VIII(39). The [relevant section is available here.](http://seanewdim.com/uploads/3/4/5/1/34511564/httpsdoi.org10.31174send-hs2020-231viii39-06.pdf) #AIBusinessCase